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Anti-discrimination Education Society

Anti-discrimination Education Society is a public-benefit non-profit organisation established in 2009. We are an association uniting more than 60 equality educators and activists.

Our mission is to develop and popularize anti-discrimination education so that each and every person can contribute to the world without discrimination and violence. We fulfill our mission in three ways:

  1. We raise the competences of anti-discrimination educators.
  2. We build standards of anti-discrimination education.
  3. We advocate to include anti-discrimination education in the formal education system in Poland.

Support us in these challenging times!

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Each donation supports our mission.
Only in 2021 we trained over 600 educators.

become our partner

We are actively looking for partners for joint actions. 
Write to us! Let’s build inclusive world together.

Our offer is tailored to the needs of:







...and more!

We train and consult on diversity and inclusion.
Contact us to find out about our offer!

Our biggest projects

To get to know more about our projects please visit our polish-language page Projekty

2022 - 2024
2022 - 2024
I 2022 - VIII 2022
XII 2020 - 2022
VIII 2020 - VII 2021
IX 2019 - XII 2020
XI 2018 - I 2021
XI 2018 - X 2020
I 2018 - XII 2019
II 2018 - XII 2019
I 2019 - X 2020
VII 2017 - VIII 2018
X 2015 - IV 2018
VI 2017 - III 2018
IV 2017 - VII 2017
I 2016 - IV 2016
X 2014 - IV 2016
III 2014 - VI 2015
X 2013 - XI 2013
2011 - 2013
VIII 2010 - X 2011
Equality Lighthouse 2.0
Equality Kaleidoscope
People between borders
Asylum crisis in the classroom
Equality Lighthouse
Oxygen mask - take care of yourself to empower others
Core funding
Together We Can
European networking for resilient and long-term inclusion strategies
Let’s learn about global education
Partnership between NGOs and academia
Developing capacities together (InterCap)
European CSO-university networks for global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world
Together for Change
Education, Empowerment, Equality
Advocacy and education in anti-discrimination education coalition
Core funding
CEE Prevent Net
Central and Eastern European Network for the Prevention of Intolerance and Group Hatred
Empowering Networks of Inclusion in Poland
Gender Equality and Political Leadership
Global education here and now
Refugees? Welcome!
Anti-discrimination education - check!
Discrimination in school - unjustified absence
Discrimination vs education
Equality and diversity in practice
Big Absent. Anti-discrimination education in formal education system in Poland
Core funding

Publications in english

Some of our publications are available in english language:

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